Zero Hidden Hunger EU seeks to put micronutrient deficiencies in policymakers’ agenda

2025_Lyon_ZHH_Group picture
09 Mar 2025

Second year of the project and all partners reunited in Lyon to celebrate the end of the first year of the project, present what has been done and discuss the next steps. The meeting took place in IARC’s headquarters.

Some takeaways

During these 2.5 days of work, all the activities foreseen in the first year were shared, along with next steps for the upcoming year.

All partners were highly involved, and each presentation benefited from insightful comments and suggestions provided by the audience. The overall result is a clear and well-defined plan for the next years of work.

Here are some key takeaways

  • WP3 is completing dietary analysis using 22 EU menu datasets from EFSA, cohort datasets from UK bio banks, and additional data from Spain and Greece.

  • The production of bio samples was challenging, but those issues have been overcome, with some results being available at this stage.

  • WP4 is soon to finish cleaning the data from the database, harmonising it and refining the definition of micronutrient deficiency. This is crucial for estimating the prevalence and number of individuals with priority MN deficiencies in Europe.

  • WP5 started reviewing the link between iron deficient anaemia and adverse perinatal outcomes.

  • Even among healthcare providers, there is an existing gap in the micronutrient knowledge. As such, communicating and disseminating the project would require the creation of several forms of trainings (slides, e-learning modules, infographics, short videos).

Stay tuned for exciting developments on this project!