University College Cork
University College Cork (UCC), in Ireland, delivers teaching and research activities. Through the lens of the UN Sustainability Development Goals, UCC researchers, innovators and entrepreneurs are driving real world impacts that directly address current and emerging societal needs, including some of the most pressing global grand challenges of our time.
Role in the project
UCC, lead by the nutrition team, is the overall coordinator of the project. As well as being project coordinators, the nutrition team are also work package leaders for a number of the project’s work packages. They will have a central role in attaining the project’s core objectives of estimating the prevalence of micronutrient deficiencies and the degree of inadequacy of intake of micronutrient in Europe, as well as in the development of sustainable, food-based strategies to help address. There is also a health economics team at UCC involved in the project. The health economics team’s first objective is to estimate the economic burden of micronutrient deficiencies in Europe. The second objective is to estimate the cost-effectiveness of candidate dietary strategies proposed to mitigate micronutrient deficiencies. This objective will also estimate the budgetary impact of the candidate dietary strategies.