Institut za Medicinska Istraživanja

Institut za Medicinska Istraživanja


The Institute for Medical Research (IMR) was founded in 1947 by the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts with the mission to bring health to community through the advancement of science, especially in the field of medical research. Today, the Institute is a leader in basic and applied research in the field of biomedicine, dissemination of knowledge, education and development with international cooperation. The Centre of Research Excellence in Nutrition and Metabolism (CENM) is part of IMR involved in fundamental and applied nutritional research in Serbia and the region of West Balkan countries, focusing on determining the nutrient requirements necessary to promote well-being for children and adults, how nutrition plays a role in the prevention of the major diseases affecting people nowadays and conditions associated with healthy aging.


Role in the project


CENM-IMR role in the project is devoted to determination of dietary intake and identification of deficiencies of priority micronutrients using food consumption data in Europe and design of diet model that will meet the requirements.
