What is Zero Hidden Hunger EU?
Zero Hidden Hunger EU is a Horizon Europe funded research project aiming to provide estimates of the prevalence of micronutrient deficiencies and their associated health costs, focused on high-risk population subgroups. The aim is to provide the best possible evidence to develop context-specific, tailored food focused solutions to ensure adequate supply of vitamins and minerals from diets from sustainable sources.
The project will last 4 years (2024-2027) and gathers 19 partners from 12 European countries in a collaboration between top universities and research centres, as well as expert non-profit organisations and the private sector.
The pillars
Pillar 1
Micronutrient biomarkers and surveillance
Pillar 2
True prevalence of micronutrient deficiencies in Europe & associated costs
Pillar 3
Eradication of micronutrient deficiency
Pillar 4
Impact and communication